Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Get Auto Commission Review - Scam By Diana & Dave??

There are various cheats and frauds on the Online. If you want to avoid these frauds, please study our reviews cautiously! Our review should be to assist you get by far the most effective and real product simply because we really need to see your accomplishment.

How Got A Trust Score of 0%
There are a lot of factors that we take into account when we are looking at sites for review. We looked at with particular interest into several factors. From ownership details, location, popularity and other pages that talked about it. We compared the site to the reviews being published, threats, and phishing scams proliferating the web today. The Internet is full of scams, fake sites, and so much more that it’s downright incredible to see no end in sight. With so many being created daily, it becomes nearly genius.
Many review sites that you may find today are also scams lurking to take your money. We make every effort to analyze the website information and provide a genuine and trustworthy guide that will help you determine a risk rating for
With that in mind, let’s look at this site a bit more closely: Trust Score Break Down
  • The website has been reported by web users for being untrustworthy.
  • The website and business has been given a low reliability rating by other trustworthy websites and review panels.
  • The website is only 118 days old.
  • The website has an expected life span of 364, which is incredibly short, all things considered.
  • The website is less than 6 months old.
  • The owner has decided to hide their identity.
A Closer Look
The website appears to be based out of the United States, but there are several other countries involved in the makeup. This is very important to monitor, because it could be fishy. The website is using an anonymity service so that you can’t identify the true owner. This is sometimes done for privacy, and so that spam is thwarted, but that’s also the same tactic that many websites are using right now to scam people out of hard earned money.
Do not assume that these things are done out of privacy, at least not in the world of Internet marketing. There’s too much on the line to just be a matter of keeping information private. Plus, if you were marketing a legitimate, worthwhile product or service, wouldn’t you welcome messages from people that were curious about what you’re working on? It would mean free publicity and advertising, and of course, building public trust.
Ecommerce websites, for instance, will want to use registration services to confirm that the business address really belongs to the website owners and it’s not just another fake site, or scam engine. It’s just common sense practice in today’s Internet framework.
Negative Highlights
Upon further investigation, we have denoted that there is a great deal of negative feedback associated with the company. We looked at the payment processing system that is being used, and sure enough, we have found that there is Chinese involvement. With this website being so new, and with a short expected lifespan, we can definitely confirm that it is following a pattern that we’ve seen many times before.
Beware, this site is definitely following the path of many fraudulent sites out there, and could very well be on the trajectory to steal your information, money, and more. You will need to be extra vigilant and take precautions if you’re going to offer any sort of payment information to them, as you will be left out cold.
Product Overview and Review

Let’s look at the product for a moment. You’ll find that the promotional video suggests that the product is awful. In fact, it very well may be the worst product that I’ve come across in recent memory. I actually paid the flat rate payment of $19 so that I could get a better handle on what this site is really offering, and even though it was an interesting deal, it took me a brief time to figure out what the complete product really is.
Getautocommission gives you some basic information on how to gain traction with marketing. They suggest that you make an MP3 video for free and upload it to YouTube for exposure. They offer a great deal of tools in conjunction with this, so that you can try to get more traffic and redirect affiliate links to the site to get a little bit more money as well. After a few clicks, I was sent to other affiliate pages and when I landed on the “free website building tool”, it was a scam. They are trying to get you to purchase web hosting with companies that require 2 years of registration, paid up front.
Out of all the tools offered, none of them were free. You had to pay premiums in the members section if you want to use their methods even further. After all of my research and investigation, I asked for a refund, which took them a few days to give me.
The Final Word on Get-Auto-Commission

I do not recommend this to anyone. Not even if you are a complete amateur. If you have never touched an internet marketing website, and aren’t even sure what this is all about, walk away. You do not want to jump into this site, as it is of no value to the consumer. It’s one of the worst ploys I’ve come across, and am dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to lose money trying to get into this program. Don’t do it, you’ve been warned! 

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