Sunday, January 26, 2014

According to CNN Google Wants To Rule Your House Now


Most recently, CNN revealed  an interesting report on the matter of Google. This time around it wasn’t about how they are dominating search results or trying to change their algorithm, it’s much more sinister than that. You may want to sit down for this one, because they want to infiltrate your home and take over. That’s right, they want to ensure that they are inside your house and able to control a great deal of information, and more.

The Scary Thing About Google Nest
With the purchase of “Nest Labs” the mighty company wants to connect homes with a number of devices that will drive internet control to a whole new level. That means any home could in fact be a high tech one, with control. The company would have access to your thermostat, alarm systems, smoke detectors, television, appliances, and more. That would mean remote access to the temperature in refrigerators, ovens, and any other smart appliance that has an internet connection.
The scariest thing is that the mighty company will know exactly where you are, what you’re doing, what you’re eating, and what temperature your thermostat is set to. That’s right, everything you could possibly be doing or want to do in your home can be tracked by the mighty search kingpin.
The Data machine
Google’s Nest acquisition is not just about knowing the consumer, it’s about taking all the data and then trying to sell it to the highest bidders. With recent moves to add advertising to their email service Gmail, the company has been pushing their AdWords and AdSense programs to all new levels. That means that all sorts of “private” life is for sale, and with their impact on the home market, everything becomes a matter of pushing a button and finding out more data than ever.
The companies reach will essentially have your information from all you research results, emails, and social media with Google+ and Google+ Hangout. Aside from that, they are moving into the home under the guise of “protecting” and being “smart”.
A Breach of Privacy
Everyone has the right to private lives. Privacy breaches are proliferation daily life today. Whether you look into smartphones, social networks, photograph sharing, or just about any activity on the web, the privacy that once surrounded millions, is going away. With a click of the mouse, you could sign up for leaving your rights in the hands of companies like Google.
This is nothing new, but it’s definitely something new for the home. Until now, the appliances you’ve had, the smoke alarms, and so much more components used on a regular basis were not accessible by anyone but you. However, with Nest, a hacker could easily take control of your home. Any smart system in the house could be susceptible to infringement.
This is not a good thing, no matter how you slice it, and while the search engine is trying to fight negative media coverage, especially that of CNN, it’s hard to fight public opinion. People don’t want to be spied on, and this just seems too much like a science fiction novel, or movie. How the company will try to cajole the general public is still yet to be seen, but one thing is for sure, this is not a step in the right direction.

What really Google is up to, seems quite obvious. Frankly, I doubt you and I can do much about it!

Just give up and hand them over your home keys

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